
Inheritance of loss

16 March 2013 5:30 AM IST
The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.’ These immortal words from The Book of Laughter and Forgetting by...

Requiem for a Latam dream

12 March 2013 4:43 AM IST
Like Alo Presidente, the television programme in which the late Hugo Chavez discussed his government’s policies and heard from the public, often...

Rewriting Macaulay

16 Feb 2013 5:30 AM IST
Who could deny that a single shelf of a good European library was worth the whole native literature of India and Arabia [?].’ In the universal...

50 shades of Vivekananda

16 Feb 2013 5:30 AM IST
Was the  blue-eyed boy of global Hinduism a saint or a sinner? Was he, as believed by most practicing Hindus, a great social reformer, who had...

Rape in the Name of Nation

8 Feb 2013 4:23 AM IST
It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a powerful State in possession of a massive military must be in search of conflict zones. Otherwise, the...

When Mayhem is the message

5 Feb 2013 5:15 AM IST
Exactly when those of us who attended the just-concluded Jaipur Literature Festival were heaving a sigh of relief, and were, in fact, celebrating the...

Why aaron Swartz had to die?

29 Jan 2013 4:27 AM IST
‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that...

When writers attack other writers

16 Jan 2013 5:14 AM IST
Controversies in the literary world always gladden me and the past year had doled out quite a handful of them as a way to remind us that our writers,...

The rise and rise of Hugo Chavez

12 Jan 2013 4:07 AM IST
When an ailing, cancer-strickenHugo Chavez, the 58-year-old Venezuelan presidential incumbent, was returned to power by the South American country’s...

Why offence is not the best defence

21 Dec 2012 4:13 AM IST
This is a very bad case of déjà vu. It’s all the more horrible because an entire country seems to have accepted gun massacres as mundane and routine...

Bachchans see what Modi shows

16 Dec 2012 5:05 AM IST
Multiple political affiliations don’t bog the Bachchans down. The First Family of Bollywood is pleased to serve opposing political camps and still...

Thackeray’s funeral poses questions

1 Dec 2012 4:55 AM IST
The month of November 2012 will go down in history as one which holds up a mirror to how India, the so-called secular democratic republic, responds as...
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