Believe your instincts

Don’t rush into relationships, take time before making choices. The key to long-lasting relationship is to believe in your inner-self and respect each other’s opinions;

Update: 2020-03-28 15:32 GMT

I seem to fall in love many times. Am I being desperate? Is it a bad thing?

Name withheld

No, it isn't a bad thing and it doesn't make you desperate only because you are vulnerable to falling in love with people. You may experience the initial rush of falling in love many times but rarely get past the initial phases to develop a strong and lasting relationship. Being someone who falls in love easily is an advantage when it comes to dating because you don't have to dismantle your own fears and defenses to let someone in. Imagine if you could only give your gift of love once more in your life, you would be much more discerning about who received it – they would have to be someone very special, who you got to know well, to ensure that they were the right person before you ever said those three little words and gave them your heart.

My mother has beaten me since I was a kid. I have been naughty but most of the occasions, it is not my fault. I'm 17 now and she continues to hurt me. What should I do?

Name withheld

Everything you have talked to me about would be called physical abuse. It is very wrong and should not be happening to you. Nobody has the right to hurt you like this. You deserve to feel happy and safe where you live. The quickest way for the abuse to stop is to tell a trusted adult such as a teacher or guardian or a senior member of the family. They will be able to support you and contact people who can keep you safe. Do take care and be safe. You are important and there are people out there who would want to help to stop this abuse.

I got engaged and now my fiancé is forcing me to get physical. I'm not sure about taking this step. Can you guide?

Name withheld

This is completely your personal decision. If you like him, you have faith and you are comfortable, you surely can get closer. It is completely your choice and should not be controlled on what he wants or expects. Maybe it will take some more time to feel complete being with him. Don't rush into it. Two people stay together for a lifetime only when they respect each other's opinions. Your partner will surely understand you and will help you overcome the inhibition. Trust your instinct and play safe. All the best.

I feel everyone is selfish and is in my life for a reason. Is this abnormal?

Jude Mathew, New Delhi

I request you to have confidence in yourself. If you have a positive inner self, nobody can scar it. It is indeed a fact that in the present time, there seems to be a difference between the face and the mask. People do have some hidden agenda which may conflict with your expectations.

The best way to be happier individual is to have less emotional involvement. Give every association the time it requires before you give in or open up completely. Selfish people do exist but alongside good souls too exists. Life will bring both. Wish you the luck to differentiate between the two. 

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