UK police warn Asians of gold theft

Update: 2012-06-07 02:42 GMT
Asian families in Britain have been warned by police to beware of criminals who could target their gold jewellery during the traditional wedding season in summer. Police fear the number of burglaries could soar when a large number of relatives arrive with gifts including gold for newly-married couples, the Daily Mail reported.

In Slough, 32 km from London, there were more than 300 gold thefts last year - a third of all burglaries reported to police.

‘We are worried it can only get worse with the summer season of weddings about to start, when families come over to Britain bearing gifts of gold. The gangs will be homing in like bees round a honeypot and we're expecting the burglary rate to soar unless residents take sensible precautions,’ a police spokesman said.

‘The trouble is Asian families are traditionally reluctant to put their gold and other treasures in the bank for safe keeping, preferring to keep their precious things at home,’ he said.

Tahir Maher, a councillor in Earley, near Reading, where there is also a high Asian population, said: ‘At one point last year the robberies were two a day, and people weren't going out of their houses.’

He said thieves took advantage of religious celebrations to target Asian households. ‘With us, it started during Ramadan, when a lot of people were going to each others' houses to break the fast, and then going to prayers, the houses were empty and it was a prime target for robbers,’ he said. Jewellers have also been victims with attacks carried out on several of Slough's 33 shops selling gold.

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