While Delhi police seems to have done a good job of nabbing dreaded terrorists associated with the Indian Mujahideen, what is disconcerting is how young boys are getting lured by false ideologies of violence. Appropriating an essentially tolerant religion’s softer core, the interpreters of maladies are all set to extract an unapologetically brutal meaning and impose a radical framework on impressionable youths. With the arrest of Tehsin Akhtar and earlier apprehension of Yasin Bhatkal, a wide network of perpetrators of violence has been dealt a big blow. But it is extremely unfortunate to see young men and women taking to violence as a method to express their disappointment with the establishment and religious majority. Terror attacks spare no one, from leaders and ideologues spewing venom, to innocent children, who become collateral damage in this essentially lose-lose conflict. With fresh reports on an underground nexus between Maoists and IM operatives emerging, the stage is set for a more intensified battle between the two camps. India’s security apparatus has been made to bleed with a thousand cuts with constant attacks on its fabric. Evidently, what the terrorists want to achieve is crack the idea of nation and nation-state itself even though the grievances upon which their resentment is predicated are more than justified. That said, India’s attitude towards tackling terror is still immature and unhelpfully geared towards a false machismo separated by notions of good and evil. The government must try to rehabilitate the terrorists to make a bigger impact and deter others from being recruited.