St Stephen’s goes green, puts forms online

Update: 2012-05-21 08:12 GMT
In a bid to reduce paper consumption, St Stephen’s College would be uploading its undergraduate admission forms for 2012 online.

Aspiring students could access online forms from 10 am onwards on 21 May, while the printed application forms would be issued only from 4 June.

Further, the online applications are priced at only Rs 50 per course. The printed application forms, on the other hand, are priced at Rs 250 per course. The payment for online forms can be made through a credit or a debit card as well by cash at 14,000 nationwide branches of State Bank of India.

It is clear that the college wishes to encourage applicants to apply online so as to minimise the use of paper. ‘This is a great move by the college. I have lot of friends who are studying in St Stephen’s College and they had to specially travel to Delhi to get their forms. This year people who reside outside Delhi are saved this trip,’ said Ashiwini, who belongs to Himachal Pradesh, but is studying in Delhi.

Printed application forms would be out on 4 June onwards and can be collected from the college’s admissions office on all weekdays from 10 am to 3.30 pm. Last date for submitting completed forms is 18 June by 4 pm. Physically challenged applicants can obtain printed forms free of cost from the college admission office.

The counselling would be held by the faculty members on weekdays between 4 June and 18 June from 10 am to 1 pm and the interviews for admission to the first-year undergraduate courses would be held on 25 June.

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