Scientists find gene for contraception

Update: 2012-05-26 07:17 GMT
Scottish scientists have discovered a gene that plays a key role in production of healthy sperm, a breakthrough they say could soon pave the way for developing a new contraceptive pill for men.

In experiments on mice, researchers at the Centre for Reproductive Health at the University of Edinburgh found a gene, called Katnal1, which was vital for the final stages of sperm production. Detailing their findings in the journal PLos Genetics, the researchers said a drug which interrupts Katnal1 could be a reversible contraceptive.

Contraception in men is largely down to condoms or a vasectomy, but experts said there was 'certainly a need' for such a drug, the BBC reported.

The researchers were actually investigating the causes of male infertility, for which they randomly altered the genetic code of mice to see which became infertile.

They then traced the mutations causing infertility, which led them to find Katnal1. It contains the blueprints for a protein which is important in cells that support sperm making. Without the protein, sperm do not fully form and the body disposes of them.

The scientists hoped they would be able to perform a similar trick in humans to stop sperm developing, without causing lasting damage.

Dr Lee Smith, one of the study authors, said: 'If we can find a way to target this gene in the testes, we could potentially develop a non-hormonal contraceptive.

'The important thing is that the effects of such a drug would be reversible because Katnal1 only affects sperm cells in the later stages of development, so it would not hinder the early stages of sperm production and the overall ability to produce sperm.'

Dr Smith said it would be 'relatively difficult' to do as the protein lives inside cells, however, he said there was 'potential' to find something else that protein worked with, which might be an easier target.

Dr Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield, said there was 'certainly a need' for a non-hormonal contraceptive for men and that this had been a 'Holy Grail' of research for many years.

'The key in developing a non-hormonal contraceptive for men is that the molecular target needs to be very specific for either sperm or other cells in the testicle which are involved in sperm production,' he said. 'If they are not, then such a contraceptive could have unwanted side effects on other cells and tissues in the body and may even be dangerous.

'The gene described by the research group in Edinburgh sounds like an exciting new possible target for a new male contraceptive, but it may also shed light on why some men are sub-fertile and why their sperm does not work properly,' he added.

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