Return of lawyer Sarkozy

Update: 2012-05-10 05:07 GMT
Outgoing French leader Nicolas Sarkozy's cabinet met for its last session on Wednesday as president-elect Francois Hollande held talks with top Socialists to gear up for next month's parliamentary vote.

Hollande also held consultations on forming a government and preparing for his first foreign visit, to Berlin, where he is expected to get a frosty reception over his plans to renegotiate the European fiscal austerity pact. The cabinet meeting was 'emotional', participants said, with ministers giving Sarkozy a standing ovation after he told them he wished Hollande 'good luck'.

Sarkozy, who lost the recent presidential race in France, is to quit politics and practice law, a media report said.

The 57-year-old outgoing French President, a qualified lawyer, will first have a holiday at his wife Carla Bruni's sprawling villa in the south of France.

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