Ranjit Sinha has indeed queered the pitch of what constitutes the topmost probing body in this country. With a slew of allegations staring him right in the face, and now a Supreme Court notice to explain his situation by 19 September or step down from his post, the CBI director has few options before him. However, it is simply not ethically right on his part to continue as the top sleuth when an investigation into his own tenure is due.
His ‘open door’ policy towards many criminally accused and corporate lobbyists implicated in the 2G telecom and coal scams cannot be brushed away as yet another example of how the Lutyens’ elite, no matter what their designations and responsibilities, behave. The CBI director’s visitors’ log book is virtually a catalogue of names with illustrious criminal histories, scam-scarred pasts and allegations too grave. Is it really that self-explanatory that Sinha entertained hawala-money-tainted Kanpur-based meat-seller Moin Qureshi at his 2 Janpath residence more than 90 times in one and a half years, even after the income tax department carried out raids in his office premises?
Why would the CBI director meet Reliance ADAG officials more than 50 times in one year when investigations into 2G telecom scam is going on? What public good does it serve for Sinha to have this open door policy when as the head of the country’s premier probing agency all his rendezvous should be on the record and transparent, simply for the sake of propriety and maintaining the semblance of impartiality in carrying out the expositions into these instances of staggering fraudulence.
Why should the top sleuth meet in the insulated confines of the four walls of his residence the high-profile accused in criminal cases which are being currently investigated? Who is he serving: his organisation, or, is he, by logical extrapolation, anyway facilitating the cases of those he frequently met during his current stint? Just like a judge should refrain from holding outside meetings with the accused when a court case is on, why shouldn’t the same binding also hold back the present chief of the highest investigative agency of the country?
However, it seems Sinha is least bothered by such ethical, moral scruples and there’s nothing that would prevent him from having closed-door meetings with say a Devendra Darda, son of Congress MP from Yavatmal, Vijay Darda, who is an accused in coal scam. Very little can be said in defence of the man who accedes to such off the record meetings and alleges ‘mischief from inside’ instead of owning up to his own mischief. It seems Sinha is hell bent on proving the Supreme Court right by becoming the living embodiment of the sobriquet bestowed on the CBI by the apex judicial body – caged parrot. In fact, let’s say he enjoys being so.
His ‘open door’ policy towards many criminally accused and corporate lobbyists implicated in the 2G telecom and coal scams cannot be brushed away as yet another example of how the Lutyens’ elite, no matter what their designations and responsibilities, behave. The CBI director’s visitors’ log book is virtually a catalogue of names with illustrious criminal histories, scam-scarred pasts and allegations too grave. Is it really that self-explanatory that Sinha entertained hawala-money-tainted Kanpur-based meat-seller Moin Qureshi at his 2 Janpath residence more than 90 times in one and a half years, even after the income tax department carried out raids in his office premises?
Why would the CBI director meet Reliance ADAG officials more than 50 times in one year when investigations into 2G telecom scam is going on? What public good does it serve for Sinha to have this open door policy when as the head of the country’s premier probing agency all his rendezvous should be on the record and transparent, simply for the sake of propriety and maintaining the semblance of impartiality in carrying out the expositions into these instances of staggering fraudulence.
Why should the top sleuth meet in the insulated confines of the four walls of his residence the high-profile accused in criminal cases which are being currently investigated? Who is he serving: his organisation, or, is he, by logical extrapolation, anyway facilitating the cases of those he frequently met during his current stint? Just like a judge should refrain from holding outside meetings with the accused when a court case is on, why shouldn’t the same binding also hold back the present chief of the highest investigative agency of the country?
However, it seems Sinha is least bothered by such ethical, moral scruples and there’s nothing that would prevent him from having closed-door meetings with say a Devendra Darda, son of Congress MP from Yavatmal, Vijay Darda, who is an accused in coal scam. Very little can be said in defence of the man who accedes to such off the record meetings and alleges ‘mischief from inside’ instead of owning up to his own mischief. It seems Sinha is hell bent on proving the Supreme Court right by becoming the living embodiment of the sobriquet bestowed on the CBI by the apex judicial body – caged parrot. In fact, let’s say he enjoys being so.