The dynamic Collector
After several changes since Independence, a Collector’s diminishing role is apparent;
Posting of non-cadre officers as Collectors to three districts in Telangana witnessed criticism from the IAS cadre with media reporting growing discontent amongst them. Whether it is an IAS direct recruit or conferred IAS or non-cadre Collector, it need not make much of a difference in the dynamic scenario of district administration. In fact, a conferred or a non-cadre senior officer is certainly much more experienced, matured and more informed than a direct recruit since they served in almost all subordinate positions before climbing the ladder.
The formation of new districts paved way for young IAS officers to become District Collectors earlier than expected. There is a haunting doubt that all is not well with a few of them. There are also apprehensions that some of these young IAS officers are unequipped to shrewdly deal with the social and political equations prevailing in districts. There might be avoidable lapses due to a dynamic social scenario, inexperienced approach to matters and inadequate maturity as well as lack of well-laid conventions.
Further, with indications that the land management responsibilities would be shifted from the purview of District Collector, relevance to the Institution of Collector is lost. Investment support (the Rythu Bandhu) scheme – already in implementation – has literally put an end to land revenue tax collection. Abolition of revenue courts has already been mooted and a proposal is likely to be under consideration for making agriculture officer in charge of land registrations in place of MROs. When peeped into the historical origin, need, concept, evolution, growth and importance of Collector over a period, the diminishing role of the institution is significantly apparent.
Even for various other development and welfare activities, there is a direct span of control and hierarchy down to the field level for delivery which was with the Collector. Aasara pensions are directly monitored by state-level welfare departments, drinking water is directly monitored by the rural water supply or Mission Bhagiratha organisation, irrigation projects or power supply or agriculture-related or to that matter any of the activity that hitherto normally controlled by District Collector stands altered. They may merely supervise rather than control. Any experienced administrator cadre or non-cadre would be able to handle these instead of a Collector.
The institution of Collector and District Magistrate was created more than 200 years ago suiting to the needs of those days. It was one of the most significant institutions transmitted by the colonial rulers to independent India's public administration system. It was the highest functionary of the District Administration in the country. The British built on the oriental system and established the present system of field administration. The creation of a district as the unit of administration and appointment of the District Collector as Head of District Administration laid the foundation for stable administration in India.
SS Khera, a member of the Indian Civil Service and a former Cabinet Secretary documented the need, concept, evolution and genesis of district administration in India. The Institution has a long history. It was in existence during the Mauryan period, during the Gupta period, during the Mughal period and during the British rule – known with different nomenclatures. Going back to the code of Manu, where a village was projected as a self-contained republic, every thousand villages were grouped together making it as a district. If we divide the present number of villages (642,000) in the country by the number of districts (723) it is (around 890) more or less the same ratio even now.
When East India Company became the governing agency of the British Government in London, their principal representative in the district, originally known as supervisor, became the collector of land revenue and agent of the government in the district later. Warren Hastings created the institution of Collector in 1772 and hitherto supervisors were appointed as Collectors. From then onwards, the collection of revenue became the most important duty of the company's civil servants. The office of the District Collector became an important institution of the British local administration. Collector's role has gone through several changes ever since. By the time India gained Independence, the District Collector had become an important functionary. Constitution of India is however silent on the district as a unit of administration or about collector and district magistrate except for a passing mention about district judges.
Until the latter part of the 19th century, no Indian was eligible to become a District Collector. With the introduction of open competitive examinations for Civil Services, the office was opened to Indians. Anandaram Baruah, the sixth Indian and the first Assamese ICS officer, became the first Indian to be appointed as a District Magistrate. The district continued to be the unit of administration after India gained Independence in 1947. The role of the District Collector remained largely unchanged.
As far as Telangana is concerned, until Salarjang reforms in 1864, there was no such institution. Originally there were four Subhas in Hyderabad State, namely, Aurangabad, Gulbarga, Medak, and Warangal. Subedars were heading them. Later Subhas were converted as Districts and each district was headed by a Talukdar. At district level he was called as Avval Talukdar, followed by Duvvam Talukdar at revenue division and so on. Their role was to collect taxes and credit it to Nizam's treasury.
Broadly, a Collector is expected to perform Revenue Administration, Police Administration, District Administration and serve as an agent of the government. However, after Independence, the importance of revenue administration has become secondary. The emphasis shifted to development administration. Revenue Divisional Officers, Tahsildars (MROs), Revenue Inspectors and Village Officers assist the Collector. District Collector also functions as District Magistrate and is supposed to be responsible for the maintenance of law and order in the district. With the introduction of Panchayati Raj and local self-government institutions, a new situation was created in the governance at the district level. Collector's institution gradually became a coordinating agency.
During the British period, the collector used to belong to the Indian Civil Services and now belongs to the IAS. Collectors are expected to be agents of change, good governance, development and welfare administration at the very base of our democratic structure. The hopes and aspirations, lives and livelihood of the people are to be shaped by the Collectors.
All would be well if only the Collector, who represents the government at the district – an important administrative unit – adheres to the principles of changing value system. It matters little then whether the Collector is a direct recruit IAS or conferred IAs or a non-cadre senior Administrative Officer posted as per seniority.
(The author is Chief PRO to Telangana CM. The views expressed are strictly personal)