Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Cabinet on Thursday decided to extend the Special Relief Package to disaster-affected areas, including Samej and Rampur in Shimla district, Jaun-Bagipul and Nirmand in Kullu district, and Tikkam Thalu-Kot in Mandi district.
Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh presided over the Cabinet meeting. Under the package, affected families will receive enhanced compensation for their losses.
The compensation for completely damaged houses would be increased to Rs 7 lakh, up from the previous amount of Rs. 1.5 lakh, aligning with the relief measures provided to disaster-affected families last year.
The Cabinet gave its nod criteria for engaging 80 ‘Khanan Rakshak’ in the department of Industries fixing the age limit between 20 to 30 years. It decided to fill up 26 posts of various categories in the department of Sainik Welfare and approved to fill up 17 Punjabi Language Teachers and 14 vacant posts of Urdu Language Teachers in the department of Education.
It also gave approval for engaging the ‘Guest Teachers’ in the education department to fill gaps due to short term vacancy in any institution to be paid on hourly basis. This is a move to hire teachers on a paid period basis.
The Cabinet gave its nod to include a 5 percent LDR quota for SMC teachers (PGT/DPE) in direct recruitment, as
per the recommendations of the Cabinet Sub-Committee, to be incorporated into the Recruitment and Promotion Rules of the Education Department.
In a landmark move, the Cabinet decided to regularise the services of about 928 part time water carriers as IV class IV employees who have completed 11 years of daily and part time services in the Education Department. It was decided to realign the age criteria for admission to Nursery classes and Class-I with the National Education Policy, 2020.
The Cabinet approved the recommendations of the Cabinet Sub-Committee on the operation of Home Stays, led by Industries Minister Harshwardhan Chauhan, and decided to notify the H.P. Home Stays Rules, 2024.
According to the new provisions, preference will be given to bonafide Himachalis. Additionally, the requirement to obtain an NOC from the H.P. Pollution Control Board, local bodies, or any other department has been waived. However, proper sewerage systems and garbage disposal mechanisms will be mandatory. Moreover, the installation of rainwater harvesting systems will be encouraged in Home Stay Units.
It decided to accept the recommendations of the High-Powered Committee on the hydropower sector, in principle, chaired by Revenue Minister Jagat Singh Negi. Under these provisions, the government will assess and formulate a policy to revive projects up to 25 MW that have shown no visible progress. There are currently over 700 such stalled projects in the state.
The Cabinet approved the Maharishi Valmiki Kaamgar Awas Yojna-2024, to offer financial assistance of Rs 3 lakh to sanitation workers from the Valmiki community with an annual income of less than Rs. 2.5 lakh for constructing houses. It also approved an increase in financial assistance for house construction under the Mukhyamantri Vidhwa Avam Ekal Nari Awas Yojna-2023, raising the amount from Rs. 1.5 lakh to Rs. 3 lakh.
To enhance efficiency in government health institutions, the Cabinet approved, in principle, the bifurcation of the common cadre of Nursing, Paramedical, Ministerial, and Non-Ministerial staff between the Directorate of Health Services and the Directorate of Medical Education.