Gangwar launches surveys on migrant workers and jobs

Update: 2021-03-31 19:22 GMT

New Delhi: Aiming to collect "actual" number of migrant workers in the country, Union Labour Minister Santosh Kumar Gangwar on Wednesday flagged off the field work of All India Survey on Migrant Workers and All-India Quarterly Establishment-based Employment Survey (AQEES). These are two of the five all-India surveys that the Labour Bureau, an attached office of the Labour Ministry, is going to conduct this year.

Speaking on the occasion, Gangwar said, "As per a labour ministry statement, the results of both these surveys will generate highly useful data for effective policy making in the field of labour and employment."

The minister also said that very shortly the remaining three surveys -- All India Survey on Domestic workers, All India Survey on Employment Generated by Professionals and All India Survey on Employment Generated in Transport Sector -- will be launched by the Bureau.

Expressing his satisfaction on the start of the field work of the two surveys, Labour Secretary Apurva Chandra said, "The field investigators of these two surveys will be equipped with the latest technology Tablet PCs with software applications for field data collection."

The Labour Secretary also added that this will be a path-breaking integration of IT technology in the field work of a household survey at the national level. 

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