‘Dhankhar spoke for almost 30% of time in RS’

Update: 2024-12-20 19:24 GMT

New Delhi: Opposition parties claimed that Vice-President and Rajya Sabha chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar has set a unique record during the Winter Session of the Parliament, emerging as one of the most vocal presiding officers in recent memory.

Suggesting the data, they claimed that as of December 18, the Rajya Sabha ran for a total of 43 hours, of which Dhankhar alone accounted for nearly 4.5 hours — approximately 30 per cent of the non-legislative time.

During the session, 10 hours were spent discussing Bills, while 17.5 hours were dedicated to debates on the Constitution. This left 15.5 hours for other matters, during which Dhankhar’s interventions stood out prominently. His remarks and observations dominated this period, marking an unprecedented level of engagement for a Rajya Sabha chairman.

Dhankhar’s active participation in the House has sparked discussions among parliamentarians and political analysts alike. While presiding officers typically intervene to maintain order or provide procedural guidance, Dhankhar’s contributions went beyond the usual, delving into substantive points on various issues and reiterating his commitment to upholding parliamentary decorum.

Upper House leader of the All India Trinamool Congress (AITC) Parliamentary Party, Derek O’Brien, highlighted Dhankhar’s unique role during the session. In a statement, O’Brien noted that the Vice-President had spoken for nearly 30 per cent of the time available for non-legislative business, a feat rarely seen in the annals of Indian parliamentary history.

While some have praised Dhankhar’s engagement as a reflection of his proactive approach to chairing the Upper House, others have raised concerns about whether his extended interventions might overshadow the voices of elected representatives. Regardless of the differing views, his prominent role during the session has undeniably set a benchmark for future Rajya Sabha Chairpersons.

The Winter Session also witnessed intense debates on significant issues, including constitutional amendments and legislative Bills. Despite disruptions and adjournments, Dhankhar consistently emphasised the importance of constructive dialogue and urged members to rise above partisan differences for the larger good of the nation.

As the session concluded, Dhankhar’s active involvement is likely to remain a talking point in political and parliamentary circles. 

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