Metro Watch: Be ready to lose spare parts

Update: 2012-07-13 00:36 GMT
If you thought that you can be at ease after parking your vehicle at the nearby Metro station, its time for a reality check. Rithala Metro station parking is all ready to challenge  this mindset.

Millennium Post got to know that this year, a car and two motorcycles have been stolen from the parking premises. Also, spare parts of many more vehicles have gone missing.

People who commute by Metro usually park their vehicles in the authorised parking provided by Delhi Metro Rail Corporation. Near the Rithala Metro station building, private parking is also available.

But the commuters trust the authorised parking as they feel relaxed and secure, believing the parking attendants pay extra attention to the security of the vehicles.

‘After the vehicle is parked, customers are given a parking slip, on which the vehicle’s plate number is handwritten by the attendant. While taking out the vehicle, the customer is suppose to return the slip. Only then is he allowed to take out the vehicle’, Raghuvendra, a parking guard said while explaining the parking rules to Millennium Post.

Sources say that there is a great scope for auto thefts during the late hours, as  parking attendants are generally sleeping.

Not only this, the street lights are also turned off. In short, conditions are ideal for the vehicles to be stolen.

‘Auto-lifters enter the parking premises very confidently, they carry the master key along. When they are supposed to show the parking slip, they hand over a forged slip. The drowsy attendants hardly pay any attention,’ added the source.

When Millennium Post reached Rithala police station to get the data of the stolen vehicles, the senior police official refused to provide any information.

‘We are not aware of any such thefts from the parking premises,’ said the official.

‘Spare parts such as side mirrors, tyres, etc are often stolen from the parking space. If the commuter reports to the guard, the attendant rudely reverts - read the parking slip carefully. It clearly states there is no responsibility for spare parts,’ said one Ajay Shikhawat. Last month, Shikhawat lost the side mirrors of his Wagon R.

Rinku Jain, another person who often parks his car there, said, ‘Every other day, I find people complaining that petrol from their vehicle has been stolen. So, whenever I park my vehicle I check the petrol meter and again when I get back.’

Anuj Dayal, spokesperson of Delhi Metro said, ‘We have recently received complaints about petrol theft in the parking premises. We have instructed the contractors to whom the parking security is given to pay extra focus on the internal security.’

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