Kolkata: A magazine to highlight problems faced by men, the first of its kind in Bengal is going to be launched in March.
The date of launching is March 8 which is celebrated as the International Women's Day.
Purush Kotha, the magazine will carry articles on problems faced by men at homes and workplace. There will be articles on the cases that are reported at different law courts. There will be interviews of men who are victims of torture because of false allegations.
There will be a portal - Men's Time and a website which will be launched on March 8 along with a helpline which men in distress can use for redress.
Nandini Bhattacharya, spokesperson for Avijan, Welfare and Charitable Trust Just for Men said the men who face problems will be provided with legal assistance.
The helpline will be of immense help.
She said for quite some time Avijan was receiving many complaints of mental torture by men coming from different economic strata of society.
Most of the complaints were on misuse of Section 498 by women, charges of false molestation and problem over the custody of children.
On the basis of the order of the court, when the fathers goes to take custody of his children there are cases when they are forced to pay enormous money to the mother to get the custody.
Bhattacharya said big fat marriages often create trouble. Three months after the ceremony, girls often lodged complaint under Section 498 and the family of the boy is harassed.