More than 12 high-rises devastated in cyclone

Update: 2020-05-22 18:41 GMT

Kolkata: Cyclone Amphan devastated more than a dozen high rise apartments including star hotels on and off Eastern Metropolitan bypass.

The worst hit were the flats that are housed sixth floor onwards in buildings that were above 8 storeyed high.

The cyclone that had hit Kolkata on Wednesday evening with wind speed above 130 km per hour smashed the window panes and tossed the furniture, electronic gadgets like television, refrigerators, air conditioners and glass items like flower vase, mirrors among others. Rain water entered the flats and the rooms were under knee deep water.

As a safety measure, the power supply was switched off resulting in non functioning of the lifts. "It was a terrible evening. The sky was cloudy and suddenly the wind speed increased. It reached the highest point at 6.30 pm and smashed the window panes, tossed the computers and broke all the glass items. The mirrors cracked and two glass showcases where items made of glass and crystal were kept were smashed. Rainwater entered the room and for safety the electricity was switched off. The whole housing complex was plunged in darkness," said Susanta Sen who occupies a flat on the ninth floor of a 12 storeyed building.

Sedesh Karkarey, who occupies a flat situated on the 10th floor of a highrise building off EM bypass said: "My flat has been devastated

and I really do not know when we will be able to stay there. The window panes have

gone and the furniture have broken."

The window panes of two star hotels were broken and rainwater sipped in.

The employees of the hotels had a trying time to save the costly chandeliers and glass windows.

Interestingly, the century old, ill maintained houses in Kolkata have survived because of their low height, said senior officials of Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC). "The low height of the houses (generally three or maximum four storeied) have saved them. Also, these houses have windows made of wood and once they were shut rainwater could not enter the rooms.

There are 400 old and dilapidated buildings in the city. Portions of four old houses collapsed during Amphan. The civic authorities will pull down the damaged portion within the next couple of days once the situation improves.

The residents of two old buildings in south and North Kolkata were evacuated before the storm had hit the city and were taken to KMC school and auditorium.

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