Kol-based scientists develop art mask to fight Covid pandemic

Update: 2020-05-19 19:08 GMT

Kolkata: Kolkata based scientists have developed an art mask driven by power to fight against COVID-19 pandemic. The scientists have uploaded the basic concept in the archive of Cornell University, USA.

The art mask has two layers of Tirbo Electric material while the third layer is a smart filter. The mask is developed in a way so that it can destroy any virus by air static electricity.

So, when a person wears the mask and breaths in and out, air static electricity is generated and goes to the first layer. The moment any virus from droplet falls on the first layer, power is generated and the virus receives a shock and gets destroyed, claimed one of the scientist Professor Bipan Tudu.

Every time there is some unfriendly body on the mask the circuit will supply power and it will get disconnected once the shock is given.

Tudu explained further about the mask said that the external power is required to run the circuit and the state of the art mask is very light. The person using it will not feel any additional weight but will be very effective.

He said the team had worked hard to give shape to the mask and the basic concept has been uploaded in the archive of Cornell University. The mask will help the people enormously in this time of pandemic. Most importantly the mask is not high priced so anyone can avail the mask to keep them secure.

The team of scientists included professors Bipan Tudu, formerly head of department, Electronics and Instrumentation and his colleague Rajib Bandyopadhyay; Barnali Ghatak; Sanjoy Banerjee and Sheikh Babar Ali - all research scholars of the same department; Professor Dipankar Mondol, Institute of Nano Science and Technology; Mohali and Nityananda Das, associate professor, Department of Physics, JK College, Purulia.

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