The body of an electrical engineering student of IIT Khargapur was recovered from beside the railway tracks at Kharagpur on Thursday night.
Police are yet to ascertain whether he committed suicide or he was hit by a train accidentally.
Police said that the victim Sana Sairaz was a resident of Andhra Pradesh. He was a student of third year of the electrical engineering department of IIT Kharagpur.
The victim's father came to IIT on Friday and claimed before the media that his son's death was an outcome of ragging. He alleged that Sairaz had committed suicide after failing to bear of the pain of getting ragged for the past three years.
He alleged that his son had told him about the ragging that he had been facing. He had even wanted to go back home leaving his studies. But it was his father who made him understand that it was matter of some more days. If he can continue his studies keeping everything aside he would become successful in life.
The police are, however, trying to ascertain whether Sairaz committed suicide or it was a mere accident.
The police initiated a probe and came to know that when had he left the premises of the institution. Police came to know after preliminary investigation that Sairaz had attended some classes in the morning. But his friends didn't see him in the campus after that.
Police also spoke to some local people where the body was found but are yet to come to the conclusion whether it was an accident or suicide.
Police also came to know that Sairaz was an introvert. Thus, he felt shy to reveal his problems to the authorities of the institution. The
police would also go through his exercise books and diaries to find whether he had written anything which suggest that he was depressed.