Karzai seeks 'constructive cooperation'

Update: 2012-05-23 07:32 GMT
With NATO nations firming up their exit path from Afghanistan, the President of the war-torn country, Hamid Karzai, sought 'constructive cooperation' from Pakistan for holding talks with the Taliban and to deny safe havens to militants on the border.

Karzai disclosed that he has invited Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani to visit Kabul in about a week's time for what he called a dialogue, in a more open and friendlier manner than ever before.

Standing firm on his charges that terrorist safe havens continue to exit across the border, Karzai said the whole range of issues could be discussed in his talks with Gilani.

'There is no doubt that Haqqani network is in Miramshah.

The Pakistani government would not deny that there are other sanctuaries as well across the border. But the difference on Tuesday is that we are talking about these issues more openly and in a friendlier environment than ever before,' Karzai told CNN in an interview. He said in keeping with this new environment he hoped to find solutions.

'Pakistan is a neighbour of ours and we have begun a dialogue with them. And the dialogue is quite ahead now in seeking solutions to the problems that we have. 'It is keeping with this dialogue that we are moving forward, and we hope that the end result of all this activity, of all this effort, the endeavour on the part of both of us, and the US, will be the removal of the terrorists from the region,' Karzai said.

The comments from the Afghan President came as a crucial NATO Summit closed in Chicago where world leaders firmed up an exit path from the war in Afghanistan.

'Subject to the principles we have laid out for a peaceful outcome, including renunciation of violence, cutting ties with terrorism, safeguarding the achievements of the past ten years and upholding the constitution, we will work to make the peace process inclusive and a genuine alternative for all those who wish to return to dignified lives in our society,' he said.

Karzai also assured the international community that Afghanistan move further on reform and improving governance and institutions of state. 'We will phase out all parallel structures, improve public service delivery and fight corruption,' he said.

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