In IT age, 9 lakh students have no computer education

Update: 2014-01-09 00:48 GMT
The Municipal Corporation of Delhi in collaboration with Tech Mahindra used to run a computer literacy programme for skills development for primary classes. The pact, however, ended in 2010 and has not been renewed yet.

‘It is true that students of primary schools of Delhi are not getting computer education which is because of a rift between the MCD and the private partner. Interestingly, no other information technology company has come forward to promote this step or to work with MCD schools at a time when computer literacy has become a must globally. These schools students are likely to be deprived of these benefits,’ a government official said on condition of anonymity.

As per the official data in possession with Millennium Post, there are 398 schools under the East Delhi Municipal Corporation where more than 1.50 lakh students study. Around 4.50 lakh students study in the 798 schools run by North Delhi Municipal Corporation. About 3.50 lakh students of 672 South Delhi Corporation schools are facing the same crisis.

The Delhi education ministry has refused to comment on the issue when contacted by this paper.
Harshdeep Malhotra, chairman of education in East-Delhi Municipal Corporation, however, said, ‘I agree that tender with Tech Mahindra Limited has not been renewed as yet. In 2005, the tender was passed for five years and ended in 2010. Since 2010 there is no computer education in primary schools of Delhi. To renew the proposal we had sent the proposal to the Delhi government but it refused to accept it without citing any reason,’ he said.

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