As Navratri is about to take over and ‘Divine Feminine’ reigns our part of the world, our hearts spill over with the mantra ‘Ya Devi sarva bhuteshu, Shakti rupena sansthitha’. London will resonate with talks about Kali and the innate fire and magic of our ‘Markandeya Puranas’.
‘The Dance of Kali’, authored by the mother-son duo Sohini Roychowdhury and Rishi Dasgupta, will be launched at the renowned Bloomsbury Festival of London at the Holborn Library by Mukul and Ghetto Tigers on October 20 when India will celebrate Navratri and Kolkata will celebrate ‘Shashti’, the first day of Durga Puja.
Published by ‘Shubhi Publications’, ‘The Dance of Kali’ explores Kali myths, Tantric symbolism, the close connection between Ma Kali and Krishna and the sheer power of the 10 ‘Mahavidya’ as Kali is very much misunderstood and maligned (especially in the West), instead, she is a harbinger of light.
In the author’s own words about the book: “ ‘The Dance of Kali’ is all about the energy current inside of you: wild, empowered and all loving. This energy is deeply involved in the life and death cycle to keep the process of evolution and transformation towards light. Kali is the ultimate manifestation of ‘Shakti’ and the mother of all living beings. She destroys evil to protect the innocent. She is the divine and brutal protector who bestows ‘moksha’ (liberation) in all possible forms. From darkness to light is the spirit of Kali. The mantra of purity is through devastation to restore order, so that light prevails.”
Renowned dancer and author Sohini Roychowdhury recently performed at the Brady Art Centre in London to tumultuous applause at ‘Rhythms and Images’ that showcased the classical dances of India in the multicultural movement of art by ‘Mukul and Ghetto Tigers’ and to grow empathy and humanism. The Rowley Manor in East Yorkshire will be celebrating the ‘Divine Feminine’ and its global relevance as Sohini will be performing her dance opera ‘Durga’.
To create a better understanding of the ‘Markandeya Puranas’ and celebrate the fire and alchemy of our Mother Goddess - when India will be celebrating Navratri - Sohini will be performing her dance through the storytelling of the Devi. She will connect the Ganga and the Thames with the indomitable spirit of Durga, which is the power of every woman to choose between right and wrong and to bring light to every darkness.