FICCI bestows higher education excellence award to VIT

Update: 2018-10-31 14:25 GMT

VELLORE: The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) bestowed Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) with a Certificate of Excellence for Internationalization of Education for its achievements in the area of higher education.

Announcing this at a press meet, Dr G Viswanathan, Founder and Chancellor of VIT said, "The institute was at the fore front in the world in providing top quality engineering and management education to several thousand young women and men from all over India and even several countries across the world. It had entered into a tie-up with over 243 educational institutions in the world. Further, it received the QS Star rating from the U K based agency every year for excellence in education."

Every year, FICCI – the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry bestows the Certificate of Excellence to those educational institutions providing world class education. This Certification of Excellence was bestowed on VIT this year too. At a function in New Delhi on October 30, Dilip Chenoy, Secretary General of FICCI, handed over the certificate of excellence for Internalization of Education to VIT, the Founder and Chancellor of VIT told presspersons.

Further, the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration of the Department of Science and Technology issues certificates to those laboratories of higher educational institutions where research is carried out to establish the strength of structural materials. The Laboratory of the School of Civil Engineering has received this NABL Certification, Dr Viswanthan said, adding that it was a momentous occasion for VIT as it was the only higher educational institution in the whole of South India to receive this prestigious certificate.

He said that the annual International Science, Engineering and Technology Conference would he held on November 12.

More than 2,000 academicians, research scholars, young researchers and students from universities all over the world will take part in this International Conference. 1400 papers would be submitted in the Conference on a wide range of issues related to Science, Engineering and Technology, Dr Viswanathan added. G V Selvam, Vice President of VIT, Anand A Samuel, Vice Chancellor, Pro Vice Chancellor S Narayanan , Dr K Sathiyanarayanan Registrar and Dr S K Sekar, Dean of School of Civil Engineering and Professor Parthasarathy Mallick were also present on the occasion.

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