Is long term use of steroids worth the risk?
Heavy consumption of steroids for a longer period of time is detrimental to your health.;
As we all are aware that steroids are artificial forms of a natural chemical substance that is used for treating particular medical conditions.
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Some types of steroids are used to help people with inflammatory conditions like chronic bronchitis, those are categorised as corticosteroids. They are not the same as the ones used for the development of muscles and strength as well as improving physical appearance by athletes usually.
However, with these intended improvements in strength and performance can come many unwanted short-term effects, which include:
• Acne.
• Mood swings.
• Fatigue.
• Restlessness/ agitation.
• Decreased appetite.
• Trouble sleeping.
• Decreased sperm count.
• Impotence
• Shrinking of the testicles.
• Excessive hair growth in women.
• Deepening of the voice in women.
• Growth of breast tissue in men.
• Fertility issues.
• Elevated blood pressure.
• Rapid mood swings.
• Mania.
• Stroke.
• Menstrual irregularities for women.
Long-Term Effects of Steroids can be as dangerous as any other drug abuse , they include :
• Anger and aggression ("roid rage").
• Paranoia.
• Delusions.
• Heart attack.
• Stroke.
• Kidney failure.
• Tumors in the liver.
• Blood-borne diseases from injection use.
The long term use of anabolic steroids may lead to dependency. Dependency on the drug is illustrated in the feeling that the person cannot function normally without the steroids. When the drug is stopped, you may be left with a strong feeling that you need to take them again which is really dangerous for your health.
Hence, it is advisable to avoid a long term use of these Anabolic drugs to lead a healthy and safer life.