An initiative to make art accessible for public

Neeraj Gupta’s exhibition is divided into contemporary installations, sculptures and paintings for frescos and will seamlessly occupy IHC’s Central Vista and Visual Art Gallery;

Update: 2020-02-09 16:16 GMT

Delhi Art Society brings forth an art show titled 'Sculpt for Delhi' starting from February 10 till February 17, 2020 at Visual Art Gallery, India Habitat Centre (IHC).

The show is a prelude to the making of master plan for Public Art for Delhi. The exhibition, curated by Neeraj Gupta, who has been spear heading a campaign to spread awareness for arts and also bring artists under a canopy of service in which their works can be seen by the public. They will also have opportunities to widen their web of influence in the art market, which at the moment is regressive and stagnating.

The exhibition will display the work of 20 artists, including Neeraj Gupta, Naresh Kapuriya, Anjali Khosa Kaul, Bhola Kumar among others.

Divided into contemporary installations, sculptures and paintings for frescos, the exhibition will seamlessly occupy IHC's Central Vista and Visual Art Gallery to become its own diverse ecosystem. 

"With sculpt and paint for Delhi, Delhi Art Society puts forth not just an exhibition but a real-time endeavour to bring together unknown people and passers-by, be it tourists or people from within the city, via a thread known as culture. This thread shall be brought alive by creating works of art in public spaces as has been demonstrated by the 20 artists who have come together to put this show. For, it is these very public spaces, where, in moments of tumult as well as moments of joy, people gather

to express their feelings," said the curator Neeraj Gupta.

"It is the public expression of feelings where the energy viral spirals. It is also here that we express our secular selves leaving prejudices behind. Art in these public spaces will bolster the public voices, to make Delhi, our city, a better place," he added.   

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