Dear readers,
During my time at Cambridge University, my evenings were well-spent in the comfort of Wolfson Bar. Every evening, at the stroke of midnight, I would observe Brazilian girls shout out in jubilation. Their synchronised celebration irked my curiosity – what motivated their joy every night? With time, as I developed a fond friendship with them, I learnt their story. Brazil, in 1997, was undergoing turbulent times, when death and destruction dotted the streets of the coastal country. Their celebration every night was a simple ode to survival; they had successfully outlived another day without encountering death.
As we complete six years of launching Millennium Post, we are not celebrating our success with great jubilation. Instead, we are humbly rejoicing our survival – through another day, another year and now, a total of six years.
The print industry is witnessing a difficult period. There has been a 50 per cent rise in news print prices, the government has tightened its policy on advertisements, and note-ban and GST have irrevocably impacted advertising revenue – in sum, we too are enduring a time of turbulence.
Six years is not a long time for a newspaper, but traversing this time has helped us mature and gain far more wisdom than we had anticipated. The story of Millennium Post is the story of an ordinary man's journey through turbulences, in search of jubilation.
For the quantifiable success that we have achieved, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to my advertisers, well-wishers and ultimately, my backbone, my colleagues.
It is that time of the year, to pause, and say Thank You!
Durbar Ganguly
Editor-in-Chief, Millennium Post