Coronaviruses are common viruses that usually cause a simple cold. When new strains of viruses emerge, they can cause more severe diseases, as seen with the recent novel coronavirus disease called Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) .
What are the common symptoms of covid infection
A large majority remains asymptomatic, followed by those who develop only mild cough and cold. A small percentage develops severe symptoms like dry cough, high grade fever, chest involvement in the form of pneumonia. Very few become critical and need ICU/ ventilatory support
Is there any treatment available ?
Currently, there are no antivirals or vaccines effective against this virus, although studies to develop these are ongoing
Is there risk of rise in Corona cases once lockdown opens?
Yes, there is risk of rise in Corona infection when lockdown will opens.
So we shall not take the opening of lockdown as a victory over corona virus. Actually to some extent there is a compulsion in opening of lockdown because prolonged lock downs have its own consequences. But as we have learned that risk of corona infection can be lowered drastically by social distancing, we shall be maintaining strict social distancing even when lock down opens, that is how we can keep this pandemic in check.
If I am having diabetes or Kidney disease is there more risk of Corona infection and its complications
Yes, unfortunately having any medical problem or co-morbidity like hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, kidney problem makes us more prone to Corona infection and its complications. In part this is because of a weak immune system compared to someone who has no such problem.
So what can I do to improve my immune system?
Here are some tips from our end to improve the immune system.
Daily exercise or yoga for at least 30 minutes
Minimum 7 hours of sound sleep
Eating a balanced healthy Diet
Think positive and don't take stress
When will this infection or pandemic go away.
Very good question so the ultimate solution will be having a vaccine.
Many companies world over are doing trials for candidate vaccine hopefully we will succeed soon and in next 3 to 6 months will have a good vaccine available commercially.
My family member just returned from an area with high COVID-19 activity. What should I do?
It is best to avoid contact for 14 days with individuals who returned from an area where they could have been exposed to COVID-19. If avoiding contact is not possible, it is recommended to:
Practice frequent hand washing or hand sanitizer use
All household members should avoid touching their eyes, mouths, and noses
Frequently clean and disinfect high contact surfaces such as tables doorknobs and faucets
Cough and sneeze etiquette should be practiced
What should I do if I have flu-like/respiratory symptoms?
There are many different causes for fever, cough, shortness of breath, stomach upset, and flu-like symptoms. Contact your doctor to see if you need to be tested for covid or not. If you have a cough or fever, try to avoid being out in public. If you must leave home, cover your mouth and nose with surgical mask or cloth covering.
Is it safe for me to go to the hospital for appointments?
Healthcare facilities are evaluating patients for the risk of COVID-19, and if the suspicion is high, those patients are being isolated. . Please contact your doctor for further instruction. Try virtula video/ tele consultation, if available.
How to tackle vegetables and fruits brought to home ?
Keep these outside the home for four hours, then wash with warm water and baking soda.
How to sanitise medicine strips?
Keep these in a separate box for 2-3 days before start using
How to handle currency notes and newspapers ?
Keeping these separately for 2-3 hours is good enough.