Dial 100 to ring in criminals

Update: 2015-05-26 21:06 GMT
T he modern control room of Dial 100 is located in Gomti Nagar which is touted as the most hi-tech police control room in the country, according to local police authorities. Inaugurated in November 2014, the control room handles an average of 400-700 calls per day with a 100 per cent 
resolution rate.

Also called as a one-stop solution to all problems like eve-teasing, crime, law and order, traffic and many more, Dial 100 promises to curb crime by reaching the crime scene in a minimal time. Backed by <g data-gr-id="77">world-class</g> modern control room, Dial 100 has a team of around 25 people, 30 dedicated lines, 47 <g data-gr-id="76"><g data-gr-id="78">four-wheeler</g></g> and 47 two-wheeler GPS enabled vehicles pressed into action round the clock. 

While the average response time to reach the crime spot is 11-12 mins, the time limit is now reduced to 10 mins only. Not only has this led to a sharp decline in the sensational crime, but also fear of being caught is also instilled in the minds of criminals. 

Also, people feel that they can call the cops only if <g data-gr-id="75">crime</g> happens. Citizens can call up the control room and seek help or provide information in any type of case. Citizens can dial 100 if they doubt suspicious activities in their vicinity knowing that the cops are here to serve people and get them rid of their worries and troubles. All that is required is patience and support from the people to 
curb crime. 

As per the sources, the feedback of cases solved from Dial 100 is around 95%. With the maintenance of efficient law and order system in the city and an effective tool to interact with common man, Dial 100 surely has a long way to go. 

One visit to the control room gives a sense of hi-tech facilities that are used to weed out crime from the city. Civil police personnel, specially trained in soft skills, help the callers to come up with their problems. 

While the information of the caller is displayed on one screen, a specially-designed digital map marks the location of the caller. The entire information is then compiled and transferred to another channel that is meant to resolve the problem. The entire process is completed in just one minute. 

Depending upon the severity of complaints - normal, priority and emergency, GPS enabled Dial 100 four-wheeler or two-wheeler vehicle is pressed into action. The complaint may vary from a street brawl, eve-teasing, chain snatching, robbery or anything for that matter! 

<g data-gr-id="66">Second</g> phase or ‘the executors’ come into action the moment a complaint is identified. An unengaged patrol car or bike that is closest to the caller’s location through GPS is dispatched for action. The information is received by the patrol car on an MDT (Mobile Data Terminal), a tab specially designed for the state police. This exercise takes not more than two minutes. 

On receiving orders from the Control Room, the Dial 100 GPS enabled patrol car or bike laced with MDT, reaches the destination within five to seven minutes. The process is completely hi-tech as till the time the vehicle reaches the location, the status on the Control Room is shown as ‘On Route’. Likewise, once it reaches the spot, they press the ‘Arrive’ button. 

Till the time an Action Taken Report (ATR) is not sent to the control room, the vehicle is shown to be engaged. Last but not the least, feedback from the complainant is equally important so as to make this facility citizen-friendly. 

The feedback is taken on three fronts - whether the police reached on time or not, the <g data-gr-id="70">behaviour</g> of the police personnel, and whether the complainant was satisfied by the action taken. In this manner, state police <g data-gr-id="69">tries</g> to inculcate confidence in a common man and also ensures that the feedback mechanism system remains corruption-free.

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