New Delhi: Even as herculean efforts to reduce the size of the Ghazipur landfill site continue to fail, authorities have now approved a proposal to bio-mine 50 lakh tonnes of legacy waste and set up a 150KLD Leachate Treatment Plant there.
The East Delhi Municipal Corporation has been carrying out door-to-door collection, primary and secondary transportation and finally openly disposing waste at the Ghazipur Dumpsite, which spreads over 70 acres. The open dumping has caused serious concerns for the ecosystem around it and is affecting the health of those who reside near it.
What has necessitated this move from the civic body is that legacy waste at the site is accumulating at such a high rate that it is becoming a problem for the existing trommel machines to operate.
Bio-mining has been going on at Ghazipur since 2019. 20 trommels have been installed at the site so far. But even after 22 months, a sizable quantity of various components of segregated legacy waste is accumulating at the site which is creating issues for the operation of the existing trommels. There is also an urgent need to set up an engineered landfill on the site after clearing the legacy waste. A leachate treatment plant also needs to be installed in order to avoid mixing leachate with underground water.
The National Green Tribunal (NGT) had given strict directions to carry out bio-mining, bio-remediation of legacy waste, and clear the area after observing it is the model followed by the Indore Municipal Corporation. The NGT stated that the cost to clear the dumpsite will approximately be Rs 125 crore. The cost was shared by the Delhi Government - Rs 65 crore, EDMC - Rs 40 crore, NDMC - Rs 10 crore and DCB - Rs 10 crore for the work.
Hence, the standing committee of the EDMC approved the proposal.
The civic body is now seeking proposals from eligible bidders to undertake the work for bio-mining legacy waste and the suitable disposal of excavated material from the Ghazipur dumpsite.
After having reclaimed at least 10 acres from this exercise, the bidders will be required to build a new engineered sanitary landfill site in the same space and that commissioning of a 150KLD Leachate Treatment Plant, including O&M support for a year.
The estimated time for the completion of work is 27 months — provided the rate of dumping at Ghazipur does not increase. Civic body officials said the estimated budget will be finalised during the process of bidding since the project is so unique and had never been tried before.