SDMC focuses on minimising sources of mosquito breeding

Update: 2021-06-13 19:06 GMT

New Delhi: In an attempt to control the spread of vector borne diseases ahead of the approaching monsoon, South Delhi Municipal Corporation commissioner Gyanesh Bharti asked the civic body to check and minimise sources of mosquito breeding.

"Due to favourable conditions like rain, humidity and optimum temperature, mosquito breeding takes place during this season. Aedes mosquito transmits diseases like dengue, malaria and chikungunya, hence incidence of mosquito breeding increases. Unattended and waste articles like desert coolers, pots, tyres, etc get filled with water and provide an ideal place for breeding," Bharti said.

The commissioner emphasised on a preparedness plan. Senior officials were directed to supervise prevention and control in identified wards, organise sanitation drives all wards, proper removal and disposal of plastic and solid waste, and special attention to be given to unauthorized colonies and JJ clusters.

Besides this, the SDMC was told to de-silt drains under its jurisdiction (to prevent waterlogging) and spray anti-larval/insecticidal spray.

To prevent water logging, SDMC officials were asked to ensure filling of ditches, solid waste removal from the park, and to keep waterfalls and fountains dry.

"Focus should also be given to check mosquito breeding at construction sites, government offices, hospitals, police stations, DTS bus depots, fire stations, and education institutions", he said.

To stop mosquito breeding, SDMC's Public Health Department contacted 1,157 RWAs and sent 5 lakh awareness messages to citizens. DBC workers conducted checks at 18,69,259 households.

The Public Health Department has also sent 2,580 legal notices and has challaned 625 people after finding mosquito breeding at premises.

Legal action may be initiated after repeated incidents of mosquito breeding at one place.

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