New Delhi: The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) on Monday presented its budget for 2018-19 with 'Smart City' project yet again topping the agenda along with e-governance, free Wi-fi, smart energy, smart education health care and skill development. In his second budget as NDMC Chairman, Naresh Kumar projected total receipts of Rs 3,935.91 crore against a total estimated expenditure of Rs 3,886.58 crore.
According to the budget, total receipts of the Budget Estimates (BE) 2018-19 are Rs 3,935.91 crore against Rs 3,677.24 crore provided in Revised Estimate (RE) 2017-18. The actual receipts in 2016-17 were Rs 3,465.20 crore. The BE 2018-19 for the revenue receipts are Rs 3,388.71 crore against Rs 3,183.53 crore provided in RE 2017-18 and actual of Rs 2,996.11 crore in 2016-17. The total expenditure for BE 2018-19 are Rs 3,886.58 crore against Rs 3,493.55 crore provided in RE 2017-18 and actual of Rs 3,053.21 crore in 2016-17.
The Chairman, while unveiling the budget, said that governance was one of the most efficient and effective tools to improve municipal delivery system to the next level and to solve problems being faced by the citizens. The goals set by NDMC as a part of e-Governance and m-Governance are like better service delivery to citizen, ushering in transparency and accountability, empowering its citizen through information, improving efficiency, etc.
"NDMC is making continuous efforts towards computerisation of all departments and making its services online to reduce human interface and delivery time, for better services to its citizens and eliminate inefficiencies through increased transparency, accountability, responsiveness and monitoring. IT based initiatives taken during the year 2017-18 and proposed to undertake for good governance towards equity, efficiency and effectiveness in a transparent manner through technology intervention for strengthening e-Governance and m-Governance during the year 2018-19," added the Chairman.
In a bid to resolve the complaints/grievances in prompt and transparent manner and receiving feedback from citizens, and to provide integrated public services, a user-friendly mobile cloud based Mobile App NDMC 311 was launched by NDMC in March 2016.
A stainless steel (304 grade) Solar Tree has been built up in collaboration with CEL and Steel Authority of India (SAIL) in the year 2017-18. The Solar Tree has 9 petals, top of which are covered with flexible solar panels. The Solar Tree has sitting area for 16 persons, and is equipped with IP 67 Digital Interactive Panel, LED Lights and charging points for mobile phones. The Solar Tree is capable of generating 1.26 KW solar power.