MCD intensifies fogging drive

Update: 2022-10-07 18:59 GMT

New Delhi: The Municipal Corporation of Delhi has intensified fogging drive at various locations to destroy mosquito breeding which will help in reducing dengue cases in the national Capital.

The Public health department of MCD has identified approximately 250 hotspots where large scale breeding of mosquito larvae have been found. MCD is adopting various measures to destroy mosquito breeding at these sites like spraying of insecticides, focal spray or fogging, releasing larvivorous fishes in large water bodies etc.

Special focus is being given to large water bodies and drains which are being covered by power spray tankers and motorized pumps in all 12 zones. MCD has conducted approximately 2.61 crore house visits by DBC workers and 1,30,544 houses were found positive for breeding and 11,88,282 no. of houses have been covered under fogging. MCD has run Mosquito Terminator trains in all 12 zones to cover the inaccessible breeding sites near railway tracks.

MCD has also distributed a total of 5,18,989 Dengue Home Work Cards to students out of which 1,86,637 cards have been distributed in MCD schools, 1,45,449 in Pvt. Schools and 1,86,903 cards in Delhi governmen schools. School students are given tasks to fill up weekly details of sites related to prevention and control of vector borne diseases in their homes.

They have also hosted several public awareness campaigns in association with RWAs. MCD has organised 258 anti malaria and anti dengue days in all zones involving public representatives, RWA representatives, Market Associations and the general public as well.

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