MCD announces implemention of uniform rates for general trade and storage licenses
New Delhi: The Municipal Corporation of Delhi on Thursday announced implementation of uniform rates for general trade and storage licenses in Delhi. The license fee will be increased by 15% for all categories every 3 years from the date of implementation of the new rates.
The new rates of an area will be up to 10 sqm, Rs 3,968 for Group A&B, Rs 2,645 for Group C & D and Rs 1,323 for Group E & H. And the new rates for an area will be of 10-20 sqm, Rs 9,919 for Group A & B, Rs 6,613 for Group C & D, and Rs. 3,306 for Group E & H. For category of 21- 400 sqm area, for group A & B, Rs 9,919 plus Rs 166 per spm if the area is above 20 sqm. For group C & D
Rs 6,613 plus Rs 132 per sqm if the area is above than 20 sqm. For Group E & H, Rs 3306 plus Rs 99 per square metre if the area is above 20 sqm will be charged.
And for an area of above than 400 sqm, under Group A & B, Rs 72,996 plus Rs 83 per sqm, if the area is above than 400 sqm. For Group C&D, Rs 56,773 plus
Rs 66 per sqm, if the area is above than 400 sqm. Apart from this, for Group E and H, Rs 40,926 plus Rs 50 per sqm, if the area is above than 400 sqm will be charged.
Apart from this, for showrooms, retail outlets, warehouses, stores attached with cold stores, gas/CNG godowns/storage, petroleum and petroleum product categories under Group A&B Rs 66,125 or Rs 166 sqm (whichever is higher). For Group C & D, Rs 52900 or Rs 132 per sqm (whichever is higher). For Group E & H Rs 39,675 or
Rs 99 per sqm (whichever is higher) will be charged.
There will be an increase of 15% in the license fee for all categories every three years from the date of implementation of the above said rates starting from April 1, 2025. The license can be renewed from April 1 to April 30 i.e., within 30 days from the date of expiry without any penalty and thereafter a penalty five per cent per month and double at the end of the year or as per the rate of penalty fixed from time to time by the competent authority shall be charged.
After the trifurcation of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi in 2012, the three corporations had drafted their license policy and the fee was fixed in accordance with the provisions of the DMC Act 2011. Thus, disparities existed in the fee structure approved by the three erstwhile corporations. After the unification of the corporation, uniform rates have been implemented in Delhi.