New Delhi: Delhi L-G V K Saxena on Friday inaugurated a material recovery facility (MRF) Centre of New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) for segregation of recyclable items from household waste, at West Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi on Friday.
The semi-automated MRF centre has been set up by the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC), in collaboration with Metro Waste Handling Pvt. Ltd.
It has been established at Transfer Station Old Arjun Dass Camp for microsegregation of dry waste collected during door-to-door collection before finally sending non-recyclable dry garbage to the waste-to-energy plant in Okhla for further processing.
Micro segregation of dry waste helps in removing recyclables, improving the livelihood of rag pickers, proper processing of recyclables through authorised recyclers and finally improving the efficiency of waste-to-energy plants. MRF is the most important tool for reduction of waste under the 3R (reduce, recycle and reuse) initiative and plays a vital role in incorporating the circular economy chain.
Material recovery centre in NDMC area starts at the primary level by the household who segregates recyclables like newspapers, cardboards, plastics and bottles from waste to sell such material to local recyclers and scrap dealers.