NEW DELHI: Delhi’s PM2.5 levels in November reached their highest monthly average in eight years, despite the implementation of GRAP.
A report by CREA revealed that the average PM2.5 concentration in November was 249 µg/m³, the highest since 2017. The peak in November 2016 was 254 µg/m³. In contrast, the average PM2.5 levels were lower in previous years, including 241 µg/m³ in 2023.
The severe pollution period lasted for eight days from November 13-20, attributed to delayed implementation of stricter GRAP stages. Stubble burning contributed 19 per cent to the pollution, while year-round sources were the primary contributors. The report also highlighted that 159 out of 268 cities in India exceeded the National Ambient Air Quality
Standards for PM2.5.