Dancing to Rajasthani tunes

Update: 2012-06-13 11:11 GMT
It is perhaps India’s biggest exhibit, culturally, in the Western world as proved by the thousands of tourists from across the globe who throng the state. A lot of them, including celebs from Hollywood, book some of the erstwhile palaces to get hitched.

The state of Rajasthan is only hours away from the capital. The city got a taste of the culture of the neighbouring state recently at a Rajasthani dance and puppetry show by Anil Bhat.

Not hard to guess, the auditorium was packed with children who had either come with their parents or with their teachers to get a  glimpse of Rajasthani folk culture. We caught up with students of Deepalaya School in Sanjay Colony who were really enjoying the show.

They were thrilled to see colourful stories being enacted through the puppet show, which was organised by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) as a part of their horizon Series.

Bhat and his troupe presented a panaroma of Rajasthani folk dances and musical puppet show.

Through the performances, they keep the traditions of their ancestors alive.

The Bhat community is known for puppet shows. For them, it is not just about earning their bread and butter but also about keeping their traditions alive.

The show narrated tales of legendary kings and their deeds.

Through the show, Bhat and his troupe chronicled the lives and stories of war heroes and kings who had once ruled over Rajputana. This art is believed to be more than a thousand years old and is practised by the Bhat community.

The puppet show chronicled the story of Amar Singh, and also spoke about the underlying theme of Hindu-Muslim unity. Handcrafted in Rajasthan, the puppet’s head is made of wood, while the clothes are made from recycled saris. Traditionally, a man plays the music while his female counterpart dances to popular tribal themes and traditional desert songs.

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