Clinton asks China, Russia to influence Syria

Update: 2012-06-08 01:37 GMT
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called on China and Russia to use their influence on Damascus to stop the Syrian bloodshed, RIA Novosti reported. But, she said, that it must include a political transition from the Al-Assad regime.

Clinton arrived in Azerbaijan's capital Baku on Wednesday as part of her South Caucasus visit. She held talks with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and their meet focused on issues related to security, energy and democratic reforms.

Clinton's comments for Russian and Chinese help for Syrian crisis came as she spoke to reporters after Russian President Vladimir Putin met Chinese President Hu Jintao in Beijing. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Liu Weimin said Tuesday the countries oppose ‘regime change by force’. Russia and China have twice blocked the UN from imposing sanctions on Syria.

On Wednesday, US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner warned Syria that the international community may soon seek a resolution at the UN Security Council that could authorise the use of force. ‘We, the United States, hope that all responsible countries will soon join in taking appropriate economic actions against the Syrian regime, including, if necessary, Chapter 7 action in the UN Security Council, as called for by the Arab League last weekend,’ Geithner said.

The UN's Chapter 7 Resolution authorises actions that can ultimately include the use of military force.

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