Kolkata: The state government has increased the remuneration of drivers engaged directly in government establishments including boards, corporations, statutory bodies and undertakings against sanctioned posts on contractual basis.
A notification from the state Finance department states that with effect from January 1, 2025, the consolidated monthly remuneration of contractual drivers will be Rs 16,000 per month on initial engagement.
Most importantly, there will be an increase in the remuneration from time to time: on completion of 5 years from initial engagement, it will be Rs 20,000, after 10 years, it will be
Rs 25,000, after 15 years it will go up further to Rs 31,000 and on completion of 20 years from initial engagement, it will be Rs 38,000.According to sources in the state government, the contractual drivers used to receive Rs 13,500 per month and there was no uniform slab about increment with passage of time.
The notification states that the base remuneration of drivers engaged through agency will be Rs 16,000 per month. Other charges as applicable for hiring through agency will continue to apply.