Kolkata: The state Public Works Department (PWD) has come up with a slew of measures and its different divisions are following the same in order to avoid any damage to roads, bridges and buildings under its jurisdiction during the monsoon which has already set in .
PWD sources said that in case of roads immediate action is being initiated to repair potholes formed due to continuous rainfall in order to avoid propagation of damage, involvement of greater repairing cost and inconvenience to the road users.
The reverse slope of the shoulder flanks are being corrected and debris being removed to avoid water logging and consequent damage to the road structure. The road side drains (if maintained by PWD) are being cleared for storm water drainage.
“The department is giving special attention to the road stretches which are prone to water logging and remedial measures are being taken to avoid major damage to the road,” a PWD official said.
In case of bridges and culverts, action is being taken to keep rain water pipes in bridge deck/ viaduct clear of dust, debris etc. to avert
water logging.
The plants, shrubs etc. growing on bridges/ROB/culverts deck are being removed on a regular basis. The small bridges/ culverts are being inspected regularly to ensure zero obstruction to the free flow of water.
These structures are being inspected on a regular basis to notice distress, if any, and take corrective measures immediately. “Special care will be in respect of distressed bridges,” the official maintained .
In case of buildings, regular inspection is being taken up to ensure that mouths of rainwater pipes are free from dust, debris, leaves to avoid water logging on the roof and consequent damage to the roof slab due to seepage of rainwater. Adequate measures are to be initiated to avoid water logging in the campus in order to avoid breeding of dengue mosquitoes.
“Regular monitoring is to be done to avoid the spread of dengue from the stackyard, store, worksite etc,” added
the official.