Kolkata: The West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE) has announced 17 concessions for Children with Special Needs (CWSN) appearing for the Semester-I and II examinations of Class XI in the 2024-25 academic session.
Previously, under the yearly system, the council offered 18 concessions for CWSN. However, with the new semester system, the council has banned the use of any kind of calculator in all examinations, including practical.
This ban also applies to CWSN candidates.
These provisions include extra time on a pro-rata basis at 20 minutes for every
one-hour examination, usage of a magnifying glass for visually impaired candidates, verbal instructions for examinations to be written on the blackboard of the exam room, colour naming for students with colour blindness, Access to sign language interpreters, provision of a reader to read the question paper if the student with a disability does not want a scribe facility.
Additionally, the council allows visually impaired candidates to use sketch pens for writing exams. Disabled students are permitted to use assistive devices during the exam. A scribe will be provided to write answers for candidates who require assistance.
Caregivers are allowed to accompany candidates with disabilities inside the examination room.
Candidates with disabilities who are unable to attend school for the prescribed number of days may be granted a relaxation in attendance of up to 20 per cent.