About 22 flights delayed due to dense fog

Update: 2025-02-03 18:36 GMT

Kolkata: Owing to heavy fog causing low visibility, about 22 flights got delayed on Monday morning at Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International (NSCBI) Airport, Kolkata.

According to information shared by the Airports Authority of India (AAI), Eastern Region, due to fog low visibility procedure (LVP) had to be initiated from 1:21 am. It remained in place upto 8:45 am on Monday. The airport authorities handled about 33 arrivals

and 44 departures.

A total of six arrival flights were delayed while 16 flights slated for departure were delayed. It was shared that no aircraft had to return to the parking bay from the ramp while there were no diversions to Kolkata airport during the period concerned. However, four flights scheduled for Dhaka were diverted to another airport for poor visibility. On Monday, more delays in flight operations were averted as 33 arriving flights and 44 departing aircraft operated with the help of Instrument Landing System (ILS) during the LVP, as and when the visibility conditions changed, it was learnt. A total of 33 flights used either Category-II (CAT-II) ILS or CAT-III ILS for landing, while 44 aircraft opted for low visibility take-off (LVTO) during the LVP.

Meanwhile, in a bid to prevent aircraft bird strikes the airport is looking forward to using sonic and ultrasonic sound waves to scare them off.

The airport will procure devices that can emit various naturally recorded bird distress signals and predator calls to frighten, confuse, and disorient pest birds and pigeons. 

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