Arvind Kejriwal guarantees empowerment of women in Punjab — every woman to get Rs 1,000 per month

New Delhi / Punjab: Making a big leap forward in the electoral race of Punjab, AAP National Convenor and Delhi CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal announced his Third Guarantee to the people of Punjab today in Moga. When the AAP Government is formed in the state women will get Rs 1,000 per month while elder women will get Rs 1,000 in addition to senior citizen pension. The Delhi CM said that this will be the biggest scheme ever for the empowerment of women in the whole world and will have a monumental impact on their upliftment. He said that women have to carry AAP's baton forward this election and take a stand to convince their family to vote for AAP and a brighter future. He added that AAP made bus travel free for women for just Rs 150 crores while a CM spent more than that to buy an airplane for himself. He cautioned the people of a fake copy of Kejriwal roaming around the state, who is spreading lies about his work, and said beware, don't be fooled by his lies. Shri Kejriwal further said that the Transport Mafia and Sand Mafia sit next to CM Channi in events so how can you expect him to work for the good. He asked people to give AAP one chance, and said you'll forget these parties who have done nothing but make a mockery out of the people. Shri Arvind Kejriwal has already guaranteed free electricity and healthcare to the people of Punjab.
Punjabis lead the farmers' movement; women of Punjab strengthened the fight: Arvind Kejriwal
AAP National Convenor and Delhi CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal reached Punjab for a two day visit today. He first held a meeting in Moga to announce his plan to empower women and later met with Auto Taxi drivers in Ludhiana. In Moga, he said, "My heart is full to see how women from all of Punjab have come out to support the Aam Aadmi Party. Before anything else, it is my duty to congratulate each and everyone of you on the victory of the farmers' movement. The whole country came together for the movement, but it was the people of Punjab who carried the flag at the forefront. It was the women of Punjab who marched shoulder to shoulder with the men and made the movement exponentially stronger."
Women of Punjab to get Rs 1,000 every month once AAP comes to power: Arvind Kejriwal
Announcing his third guarantee for Punjab, the AAP National Convenor said, "There's a lot of talk around here about women's empowerment. But there's no substance to these talks. There's no work being done by the leaders in this direction. We're here to change this attitude. They say money strengthens people, gives them freedom to choose, and backs their willpower. Today, I want to announce my third guarantee for the state of Punjab. When the Aam Aadmi Party forms its government in Punjab, each woman older than the age of 18 years will get Rs 1,000 deposited in their account each month. If there are 3 women in a family, all three will get Rs 1,000 each, making the household get Rs 3,000 each month. Those women who are getting the Senior Citizen Pension will continue to get their pension and will get this amount in addition to it."
Biggest scheme for the empowerment of women in the whole world: Arvind Kejriwal
He continued, "Can you imagine the quantum of impact of our scheme? This would not just be the state's or the country's, but the world's biggest women's empowerment programme. I don't think there's a single government in the world who'd have done anything similar to support women. I have talked to a lot of girls in Punjab who want to go to college but can't because they can't afford it. Now they will be able to easily go to college. Sometimes you want to buy something for yourself from the market but can't because you're in two minds whether you should ask your father for it. Now you won't need to worry if your father will give you money or not, you'll get support from the government to empower yourselves. Housewives have to often run behind their husbands to make them get something for their children. No need for that anymore, your brother Kejriwal is here to support you. We all know how older women in our society try to save every penny from their expenses so they can get something for their daughter when she visits them. PM Modi's demonetisation ended up spilling the beans over this practice of our elders. Now the mothers of Punjab don't have to be concerned about how they'll get something for their daughters, they can rely on their son Kejriwal, who will support them. I know Rs 1,000 is not a humongous amount, but I am certain that it will benefit our women in a never seen before manner."
Transport Mafia and Sand Mafia sit next to CM Channi in events; how can you expect him to work for the good: Arvind Kejriwal
He added, "Our rivals will ask in the coming days where we will get the funds from. Turn your TVs on when CM Channi's at an event. You'll find the Transport Mafia sitting on his left and the Sand Mafia on his right. You have no idea of the amount of money we will save if we free Punjab from the shackles of these two mafias alone. Some years back, we made a scheme in Delhi where women could travel for free in the buses throughout the state. Captain Amarinder tried his best to copy us but could only do so in Government Buses and not the Private Buses. That scheme cost us a mere Rs 150 crores. At the same time, the CM of Gujarat bought an airplane for his private use for Rs 190 crores with public funds. I am a simple common man, like all of us who have gathered here. I have no airplanes for myself. I use the same public airplanes to travel that the common people do and took a car to reach here. CMs of other states have 3-4 airplanes for their use. I don't feel the need for making unnecessary purchases like this and instead use the amount to help the public. I made the women of Delhi travel in buses for free for less than the amount that the Gujarat CM spent buying an aircraft."
Women have to carry AAP's baton forward this election: Arvind Kejriwal
Shri Kejriwal further said, "Don't worry about the money. I have done my homework. We will make it happen. This is not a hollow promise. Kejriwal delivers on whatever he promises. But there is one responsibility that the women have to fulfil too. This election can change the fate of Punjab forever. Look at how we have revolutionised Delhi, how we have transformed education, health, electricity, water, transport — we can do the same in Delhi as well. We have to fight this election together. The women have to carry AAP's baton forward in this race. One of our sisters here gave a brilliant example of how patriarchs gather the family before the election to tell who to vote for. Everyone nods and agrees with them. But this time, the women have to take a stand this time and decide who they want to elect. Don't just make up your minds about whom to vote for but also convince your fathers, your husbands and your families. A simple step of your can make loud echoes. All you have to do is to tell your family that you have no problem with their ideologies and politics, but this time AAP deserves a shot at forming the government.
Fake copy of Kejriwal roaming around the state, spreading lies about work, beware, don't be fooled by his lies: Arvind Kejriwal
The Delhi CM stated, "Another big issue in Punjab is the fact that there's a fake copy of Kejriwal roaming around in the state. Whatever I announce when I come to Punjab, he notes it down. Two days later, he announces the same thing I have announced. But again, he's a fake copy, an impostor. He only says things, never implements them. I announced AAP will give free electricity supply in Punjab. He said we are giving free electricity in Punjab. Every person here can bear witness to the fact that there's not a single person here who has gotten a zero bill in Punjab. The other day he went around harping in Ludhiana that we are giving 400 units of free electricity in Punjab. There's not a single person in Punjab who can come forward and say that they are getting a zero bill. There's only one man in the country who knows how to give free electricity — the real, original, Arvind Kejriwal. So it is my appeal to all of you to be cautioned about the fake copy of Kejriwal who is fooling you. I came to Punjab, announced that I will build Mohalla Clinics. Some days later he said we are building Mohalla Clinics. It takes 10 days and 20 lacs to build a Mohalla Clinic. Tell me yourself, has he built even a single clinic? No he has not because he does not know how to. It has been 2 months, could have built 20 clinics by then but how can the fake copy do it? The Real Kejriwal knows how to do it."
Give AAP one chance, you'll forget these parties who have done nothing but made a mockery out of the people: Arvind Kejriwal
He added, "His habit of copying me has reached a level of craziness. I had fixed a meeting with auto-drivers today, ten days back. He got to know about it so he spontaneously ended up at their doorstep today. It is good to be scared in full honesty, at least it makes them do something. So please beware of this fake copy of Kejriwal. His predecessors made a whole list of fake promises to the state of Punjab as well. Now he has come, he is making the same fake promises, going on around lying to people. At least you could show it to people that if you are announcing something then you can fulfil at least a part of it. It is a worrying situation that a man can go around making a mockery of people like this. All I am asking the people of Punjab is to give AAP one chance. You have given a heck lot many chances to both the old parties. We have earned our chance now. The people of Delhi gave us one chance and have not backed out of it ever since. The people of Delhi have forgotten our rivals by now. Look at Congress, they get 0 seats every time. It is my promise to you, give Punjab one chance, you'll forget all these people who have fooled you."
Arvind Kejriwal has already guaranteed free electricity and healthcare to the people of Punjab
AAP National Convenor Shri Arvind Kejriwal had earlier guaranteed the people of Punjab that AAP Government will give 300 units of free electricity, waive off of all the old electricity bills and arrears and 24 electricity bills. He said that all the arrears and pending bills of domestic consumption will be waived off. He said that it is because there is a dirty nexus between the electricity companies and the ruling party in Punjab.
Shri Kejriwal had also announced that every person of Punjab will get free treatment, medicines, operations in the state; 16,000 Pind & Ward Clinics will be established all over Punjab on the lines of Mohalla Clinics. He said that no person will be deprived of healthcare services and everyone in Punjab will be issued a Health Card on which all information will be completely digital. He added that the healthcare system of Punjab will be revamped, made world class like Delhi and new hospitals will be developed on a large scale. He further said that road accident victims will be given free treatment irrespective of the hospital and cost of treatment; and every person will get quality treatment completely free in Punjab and will not need to rush to private hospitals for good treatment.