Covid vaccination: Listing of 6L health workers done

Kolkata: State Health department has done an uphill task of listing the names of around 6 lakh front line health workers within a very short period of time and preparing the data of those who would be administered the Covid vaccine in the first phase.
The health department is also putting in place adequate infrastructure to accommodate the vaccines which will be brought to the state in huge quantities. The senior health department officials have relentlessly worked for the past few months to get everything done. Collecting information from each health establishment ~ be it a government run or private, verifying data and making a comprehensive list of the potential receiver of the vaccines was never a easy task when the department is already preoccupied with a number of tasks including the preparation of a road map as to how to contain the spread.
According to sources, the state government has placed a requisition before the Centre to get around 6 lakh vaccines for the first phase. It was learnt that the doctors, nurses, health workers and also those who have been fighting the Covid battle from the front would be administered the vaccine. To meet the extra rush of patients, the health department had also deployed extra man power in all the government owned Covid hospitals. The doctors, nurses and health workers from the private health establishments would also be vaccinated. The health department is ready to implement the Covid vaccination programme in the state. It may be mentioned here that the health department has successfully reduced the mortality rate and even the recovery rate in Bengal is far better than many of the states.
"Those who are working under any health care set up in the state would be vaccinated. The list has been prepared. We already have sufficient infrastructure to accommodate the vaccines when they arrive and some more infrastructure is coming up. We have central family welfare stores and other stores in various levels in the districts. We have an adequate system in place," health secretary Narayan Swaroop Nigam said.