
"A Shining City on a Hill" | Deconstructing the greatest superpower

Carpentier has scripted a masterful novel, interweaving mystery with reality, leaving the reader at the edge of her nerve, writes Dr David Frawley

Price:   695 |  14 April 2018 2:30 PM GMT  |  Dr David Frawley

Deconstructing  the greatest superpower

The United States is portrayed as the ideal nation that best represents rational and enlightened western secular civiliSation – forming the hallmark of humanity’s unstoppable progress over the ages. This march of triumph extends from democracy, to free markets and global trade, innovative advancements in science and technology, and human rights for all, now expanding into new high tech dimensions through the media and information age. The US sees itself as the hero on the world stage thwarting tyrants, countering terrorism and expanding an egalitarian way of life for the benefit of all.

Of course, there is a darker side to the American influence equally well known. We see this as political, military and economic global domination, with ongoing policies of regime change under the guise of spreading democracy. It includes global drug proliferation, the lethal weapons business and the famed military-industrial complex. The recent US history of wars – from Vietnam to Iraq and Libya – demonstrates this ambition; and, today, the US has a greater military presence in more countries than ever. In addition, the spread of American commercial culture worldwide undermines and eliminates many older culture heritages, aiming at Americanising everyone. 

Yet, there is another hidden side of the United States; a nation born of freemasons in the eighteenth century, extending over time to diverse occult and spiritual influences, and possible communication with beings from other worlds. The levels and layers of the American deep state are quite complex and can be very far removed from the rational shining city on a hill that the country is pictured to be.

Into the heart of this enigmatic American phantasmagoria steps Come Carpentier. Carpentier is no mere fictional writer; he is a trained diplomat and seasoned journalist of international affairs, possessing a detailed knowledge of history and politics along with an insightful connection to both eastern spiritual philosophies and western esotericism. I have known Come over the years as one of the most interesting voices on crucial subjects, broadening one’s horizons in unexpected ways. His book on America is an interweaving of a biography and a novel that keeps one guessing as to which it is. The date of his American sojourn is 1983, a year that may not mean much to most us, but was a pivotal time in which a New Age influence came to the surface of American culture, economics and politics, particularly in trendy intellectual circles like Aspen, Colorado where the core of the book’s riveting story is assiduously framed. The book is well written, colorful, engaging and picturesque. One must admire the intricate English of a Frenchman today when writing has now been reduced to short phrases of little meaning.

Carpentier uncovers important secrets of the American deep state from many sides, extending far back in time and over much of the globe. The combination of influences that he overlaps from financial to military and media levels is extraordinary. His book reads like a Dan Brown novel weaving through a mixture of modern political and ancient esoteric secrets, showing profound dangers and critical opportunities for humanity with ominous forebodings for the future of the planet if we are not extremely careful.

Carpentier is in many ways as mysterious and enigmatic as his story. He serves as a background figure in the narration, with his wide-ranging thoughts setting the tone for the quickly moving sequence of events. He discerns what others do not see, with an unusual variety of international contacts that provide insider information that challenges prevailing scenarios of world events.

The question arises whether his nuanced depictions of America’s secret projects are factually compelling or merely a staged account for a dramatic and fascinating novel. The final decision on this question, I will leave for the reader to determine, as both factors are interwoven in an inextricable manner. Reading the book will certainly constitute a mind opening examination for anyone drawn into following out his carefully constructed interchanges.

One can compare his book on America with his recent book on India (Memories of a Hundred and One Moons) that reflects longer phases of his diverse life experiences. Carpentier shows us that our even well-educated views of the world may be deeply flawed, highly compromised and cleverly conditioned within us.

After attentively examining the book, the reader will be better positioned to discern what is really happening behind the scenes in this media era. We must remain vigilant on all levels to navigate through the expanding Maya of our world today and reach the higher light of awareness.

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